Casting Fancy Silver Payal
- Flower shaped Casting pieces soldered on chain
- Rava soldered to below of the chain
- Good Finishing as always
- Various Sizes Available
- Labeled by SCK Brand.
Famous Agra Silver Payal For Womens
- Casting pieces soldered on chain
- Made with famous agra chain
- Good Finishing as always
- Various Sizes Available
- Labeled by SCK Brand.
Full Salangai Silver Payal
Silver Anklets for women exclusively handcrafted by our Artisans. This is made using Agra famous chain decorated with colorful floral pieces to form elegant designs.
Khushbu Dulhan Gola Payal
Silver Anklets for women exclusively handcrafted by our Artisans. This is made using Agra famous chain decorated with colorful floral pieces to form elegant designs.
Leaf Pattern Bandhan Silver Anklet
- Small Casting pieces soldered on handmade chain with bells
- Leaf Pattern
- Very light weight
- Good Finishing as always
- Various Sizes Available
- Labeled by SCK Brand.
Light weight Rope Silver Anklet
- Casting pieces soldered on chain
- very light weight
- Made with ball chain payal
- Good Finishing as always
- Various Sizes Available
- Labeled by SCK Brand.
Light weight Silver Anklet
- Heart shaped Casting pieces soldered on chain
- Bells soldered with casting pieces
- Good Finishing as always
- Various Sizes Available
- Labeled by SCK Brand.
Mathura Full Salang Payal
Silver Anklets for women exclusively handcrafted by our Artisans. This is made using Agra famous chain decorated with colorful floral pieces to form elegant designs.
Mathura Jhalar Payal
Silver Anklets for women exclusively handcrafted by our Artisans. This is made using Agra famous chain decorated with colorful floral pieces to form elegant designs.